Issue using the Count method to count objects with PowerShell 2.0


I came across a small issue with a little helper script I wrote to count vSphere objects using PowerCLI this morning. It’s been a couple of a weeks since I last did a blog post – things have been very busy, so I have not been able to commit much time over the last few weeks to blogging. As such, I thought I would do a quick post around this small issue I came across earlier. It has more than likely been covered off elsewhere, but will be a good reference point to come back to if I ever forget!


So to the issue I saw. Essentially, if an object count is 1 or less, then the object is returned as the object type itself. For example, where only one Distributed Virtual Switch exists in a vSphere environment, and we use the cmdlet, Get-VirtualSwitch -Distributed, a single object is returned of BaseType “VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.VIObjectImpl“.


However, if we had more than one dvSwitch, then we would get a BaseType of “System.Array” returned.


We are able to use the Count() method on an array with PowerShell version 2.0, but are not able to use the Count() method on a single object. The work around I found here (when using PowerShell 2.0) is to cast the object type specifically as an array.

So in the case of our dvSwitch example above, originally we would have done:

@dvSwitchCount = (Get-VirtualSwitch -Distributed).Count


To cast this as an array, and therefore having an accurate count of the objects, whether there are no members, one member, or more, we would use:

@dvSwitchCount = @(Get-VirtualSwitch -Distributed).Count


Note the addition of the “@” sign – used to cast the variable as an array.

Jonathan Medd also kindly pointed out that this is fixed with PowerShell 3.0 – have a read of the new features to see the addition that allows .Count to be used on any type of object over here.

Manage VMware Server 2.0 with Virtual Infrastructure Client instead of the Web UI

I personally find the Web UI a little slow for managing VMware Server 2.0 on my home lab and also prefer to use an interface more like the one I use at work when managing our vCenter and ESX hosts. So here is how to use the VMware Infrastructure Client to manage VMware Server 2.0. For this to work, ensure you use an older version of the Infrastructure Client. The one that comes with ESX 3.0 / 3.5 hosts seems to work well. The newer vSphere Client doesn’t work and gives you an error message when you try to login.

1. Grab a copy of the Virtual Infrastructure client and install it on the machine you are accessing your VMware Server Host from. I had trouble finding a download link, so I needed to pull it off an old ESX 3.5 host.

2. Install the client, then run it. At the login prompt enter the full web UI address of your VMware Server Host in the IP Address / Name section. So if you were trying locally on your host, you could enter https://localhost:8333 or from a remote machine use the IP address in the format https://x.x.x.x:8333

3. Enter your user name and password and hit “Login”. This should load up your VMware Server 2.0 server in the infrastructure client. Enjoy!