Hashicorp Waypoint Server on Raspberry Pi

waypoint server running on raspberry pi

This evening I finally got a little time to play around with Waypoint. This wasn’t a straightforward install of Waypoint on my desktop though. I wanted to run and test HashiCorp Waypoint Server on Raspberry Pi. Specifically on my Pi Kubernetes cluster.

Out of the box Waypoint is simple to setup locally, whether you’re on Windows, Linux, or Mac. The binary is written in the Go programming language, which is common across HashiCorp software.

There is even an ARM binary available which lets you run the CLI on Raspberry Pi straight out of the box.

Installing Hashicorp Waypoint Server on Raspberry Pi hosted Kubernetes

I ran into some issues initially when assuming that waypoint install --platform=kubernetes -accept-tos would ensure an ARM docker image was pulled down for my Pi based Kubernetes hosts though.

My Kubernetes cluster also has the nfs-client-provisioner setup, which fulfills PersistentVolumeClaim resources with storage from my home FreeNAS Server Build. I noticed that PVCs were not being honored because they did not have the specific storage-class of nfs-storage that my nfs-client-provisioner required.

Fixing the PVC Issue

Looking at the waypoint CLI command, it’s possible to generate the YAML for the Kubernetes resources it would deploy with a --platform=kubernetes flag. So I fetched a base YAML resource definition:

waypoint install --platform=kubernetes -accept-tos --show-yaml

I modified the volumeClaimTemplates section to include my required PVC storageClassName of nfs-storage.

  - metadata:
      name: data
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
      storageClassName: nfs-storage
          storage: 1Gi

That sorted out the pending PVC issue in my cluster.

Fixing the ARM Docker Issue

Looking at the Docker image that the waypoint install command for Kubernetes gave me, I could see right away that it was not right for ARM architecture.

To get a basic Waypoint server deployment for development and testing purposes on my Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster, I created a simple Dockerfile for armhf builds.

Basing it on the hypriot/rpi-alpine image, to get things moving quickly I did the following in my Dockerfile.

  • Added few tools, such as cURL.
  • Added a RUN command to download the waypoint ARM binary (currently 0.1.3) from Hashicorp releases and place in /usr/bin/waypoint.
  • Setup a /data volume mount point.
  • Created a waypoint user.
  • Created the entrypoint for /usr/bin/waypoint.

You can get my ARM Waypoint Server Dockerfile on Github, and find the built armhf Docker image on Docker Hub.

Now it is just a simple case of updating the image in the generated YAML StatefulSet to use the ARM image with the ARM waypoint binary embedded.

- name: server
  image: shoganator/waypoint:
  imagePullPolicy: Always

With the YAML updated, I simply ran kubectl apply to deploy it to my Kubernetes Cluster. i.e.

kubectl apply -f ./waypoint-armhf.yaml

Now Waypoint Server was up and running on my Raspberry Pi cluster. It just needed bootstrapping, which is expected for a new installation.

Hashicorp Waypoint Server on Raspberry Pi - pod started.

Configuring Waypoint CLI to Connect to the Server

Next I needed to configure my internal jumpbox to connect to Waypoint Server to verify everything worked.

Things may differ for you here slightly, depending on how your cluster is setup.

Waypoint on Kubernetes creates a LoadBalancer resource. I’m using MetalLB in my cluster, so I get a virtual LoadBalancer, and the EXTERNAL-IP MetalLB assigned to the waypoint service for me was

My cluster is running on it’s own dedicated network in my house. I use another Pi as a router / jumpbox. It has two network interfaces, and the internal interface is on the Kubernetes network.

By getting an SSH session to this Pi, I could verify the Waypoint Server connectivity via it’s LoadBalancer resource.

curl -i --insecure

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 3490
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Last-Modified: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 21:11:45 GMT
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 14:27:33 GMT

Bootstrapping Waypoint Server

On a first time run, you need to bootstrap Waypoint. This also sets up a new context for you on the machine you run the command from.

The Waypoint LoadBalancer has two ports exposed. 9702 for HTTPS, and 9701 for the Waypoint CLI to communicate with using TCP.

With connectivity verified using curl, I could now bootstrap the server with the waypoint bootstrap command, pointing to the LoadBalancer EXTERNAL-IP and port 9701.

waypoint server bootstrap -server-addr= -server-tls-skip-verify
waypoint context list
waypoint context verify

This command gives back a token as a response and sets up a waypoint CLI context from the machine it ran from.

Waypoint context setup and verified from an internal kubernetes network connected machine.

Using Waypoint CLI from a machine external to the Cluster

I wanted to use Waypoint from a management or workstation machine outside of my Pi Cluster network. If you have a similar network setup, you could also do something similar.

As mentioned before, my Pi Router device has two interfaces. A wireless interface, and a phyiscal network interface. To get connectivity over ports 9701 and 9702 I used some iptables rules. Importantly, my Kubernetes facing network interface is on in the example below:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 9702 -j DNAT --to-destination
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 9702 -j SNAT --to-source
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 9701 -j DNAT --to-destination
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 9701 -j SNAT --to-source

These rules have the effect of sending traffic destined for port 9701 and 9702 hitting the wlan0 interface, to the MetalLB IP

The source and destination network address translation will translate the ‘from’ address of the TCP reply packets to make them look like they’re coming from instead of

Now, I can simply setup a Waypoint CLI context on a machine on my ‘normal’ network. This network has visibility of my Raspberry Pi Router’s wlan0 interface. I used my previously generated token in the command below:

waypoint context create -server-addr= -server-tls-skip-verify -server-auth-token={generated-token-here} rpi-cluster
waypoint context verify rpi-cluster
Connectivity verified from my macOS machine, external to my Raspberry Pi Cluster with Waypoint Server running there.


Waypoint Server is super easy to get running locally if you’re on macOS, Linux or Windows.

With a little bit of extra work you can get HashiCorp Waypoint Server on Raspberry Pi working, thanks to the versatility of the Waypoint CLI!

Kubernetes Backup on Raspberry Pi

storage server in data center rack

Once you start using your Raspberry Pi cluster for workloads with persistence, you’re probably going to want to implement a decent Kubernetes backup strategy.

I have been using my Raspberry Pi Cluster for a number of workloads with persistence requirements, from WordPress sites with MySQL databases, to Minecraft servers.

This post will detail how to get a basic install of Velero up and running on an ARM based Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster that uses NFS volume mounts for container persistence.

In other words, a solution that will allow you to backup both your Kubernetes resource states, and the storage that those resources are mounting and reading/writing from and to.

First though, I’ll revisit how I have been backing up my Pi cluster up until recently.

A Simple and Naive Backup Approach

One way of dealing with backups is a fairly brute force, copy data off and upload to another location method. I’ve been using this for a while now, but wanted a more Kubernetes-native method as an extra backup.

I have had a cronjob that does a mysql dump of all databases and then gzips and uploads this to BackBlaze B2 object storage.

Another cronjob handles compression and upload of a variety of different NFS volumes that pods mount. This cronjob runs in a BSD jail on my FreeNAS storage server, where the same Kubernetes NFS storage is mounted to.

You can see the details of how I do this in my Cheap S3 Cloud Backup with BackBlaze B2 post.

Kubernetes Backup of State and Volumes with Velero

Velero is nice in the way that it is pluggable. You can use different plugins and adapters to talk to different types of storage services.

It works well enough to backup your pod storage if you’re running Kubernetes on a platform that where that storage runs too. For example, if you’re running Kubernetes on AWS and using EBS persistent volumes. Another example would be VMware with vSAN storage.

But in this post we’re dealing with Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi using NFS shared storage. If you haven’t yet setup shared storage, here is a guide to setting up NFS storage on Raspberry Pi Kubernetes.

We’ll assume you’re also wanting to backup your state and pod volume storage to AWS S3. You can quite easily modify some of the commands and use S3 API compatible storage instead though. E.g. minio.

Install Velero

On a management machine (where you’re setup with kubectl and your cluster context), download Velero and make it executable. I’m using a Raspberry Pi here, so I’ve downloaded the ARM version.

curl -L -O https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/releases/download/v1.5.1/velero-v1.5.1-linux-arm.tar.gz
tar -xvf velero-v1.5.1-linux-arm.tar.gz
sudo mv velero-v1.5.1-linux-arm/velero /usr/local/bin/velero
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/velero

Create a dedicated IAM user for velero to use. You’ll also setup your parameters for S3 bucket and region, and add permissions to your IAM user for the target S3 bucket. Remember to change to use the AWS region of your preference.

Now you’re ready to install Velero into your cluster. Apply the magic incantation:

velero install --provider aws --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws-arm:main --bucket $BUCKET --backup-location-config region=$REGION --secret-file ./credentials-velero --use-restic --use-volume-snapshots=false

There are a few things going on here that are different to the standard / example install commands in the documentation…

  • The plugins parameter specifies the ARM version of the Velero AWS plugin. I found that the install command and the usual velero-plugin-for-aws selection tries to pull down the wrong docker image (for x86 architecture). Here we specify we want the ARM version from the main branch.
  • Use Restic Integration. This enables the Restic open source integration for persistent volume backup. This is the magic that allows us to backup our NFS mounted volumes. Also handy if you happen to be using other file storage types like EFS, AzureFile, or local mounted.
  • Disable volume snapshots. We’re on a Pi cluster with NFS storage, so we don’t want to use volume snapshots at all for backup.

After the Velero install completes, you should get some output to indicate success.

Velero is installed! ⛵ Use 'kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero' to view the status.

You should also see your pods in the velero namespace up and running for Velero and Restic.

kubectl -n velero get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
restic-589rm             1/1     Running   0          7m29s
restic-g6swc             1/1     Running   0          7m29s
velero-555695d95-dbzmd   1/1     Running   0          7m29s

If you see pod initialization errors, then double check you didn’t specify the normal velero plugin for AWS that would have caused the incorrect docker image architecture to be used.

With that complete, you’re ready to run your first backup.

Initiating a Manual Backup

Request a backup with the velero backup command. In the example below I’ll target my demo namespace. I’ll get volume backups for everything in this namespace that uses supported persistent volumes with the --default-volumes-to-restic flag.

If you don’t specify that flag, all backups will be opted-out by default for volume backups. That is, you opt-in to restic volume backups with this flag.

velero backup create demo-backup --include-namespaces=demo --default-volumes-to-restic

You can request backup state and details using the velero backup describe command.

velero backup describe demo-backup --details

It’s worth running a backup of a test namespace with some test workloads. Then simulate failure by deleting everything, followed by a velero restore.

This should prove the backup process works 100% and the DR strategy to be sound.

Don’t forget to do ocassional test DR scenarios to exercise your deployed backup solution!


It’s a good idea to backup your Kubernetes cluster once you start running services with persistence. Even if it is just for personal use.

A quick and dirty approach is to script out the export and backup of Kubernetes resources and mounted container storage. In the long run however, you’ll save time and get a more fully featured solution by using tools that are specifically designed for this use case.

Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster with OpenFaaS for Serverless Functions (Part 4)

Getting Started with OpenFaaS

This is the fourth post in this series. The focus will be on getting OpenFaaS set up on your Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster nice and quickly.

Here are some links to previous posts in this series:

OpenFaaS is an open source project that provides a scalable platform to easily deploy event-driven functions and microservices.

It has great support to run on ARM hardware, which makes it an excellent fit for the Raspberry Pi. It’s worth mentioning that it is of course designed to run across a multitude of different platforms other than the Pi.

Getting Started

You’ll work with a couple of different CLI tools that I chose for the speed at which they can get you up and running:

  • faas-cli – the main CLI for OpenFaaS
  • arkade – a golang based CLI tool for quick and easy one liner installs for various apps / software for Kubernetes

There are other options like Helm or standard YAML files for Kubernetes that you could also use. Find more information about these here.

I have a general purpose admin and routing dedicated Pi in my Raspberry Pi stack that I use for doing admin tasks in my cluster. This made for a great bastion host that I could use to run the following commands:

Install arkade

# Important! Before running these scripts, always inspect the remote content first, especially as they're piped into sh with 'sudo'

# MacOS or Linux
curl -SLsf https://dl.get-arkade.dev/ | sudo sh

# Windows using Bash (e.g. WSL or Git Bash)
curl -SLsf https://dl.get-arkade.dev/ | sh

Install faas-cli

# Important! Before running these scripts, always inspect the remote content first, especially as they're piped into sh with 'sudo'

# MacOS
brew install faas-cli

# Using curl
curl -sL https://cli.openfaas.com | sudo sh

Deploying OpenFaaS

Using arkade, deploy OpenFaaS with:

arkade install openfaas

If you followed my previous articles in this series to set your cluster up, then you’ll have a LoadBalancer service type available via MetalLB. However, in my case (with the above command), I did not deploy a LoadBalancer service, as I already use a single Ingress Controller for external traffic coming into my cluster.

The assumption is that you have an Ingress Controller setup for the remainder of the steps. However, you can get by without one, accessing OpenFaaS by the external gateway NodePortservice instead.

The arkade install will output a command to get your password. By default OpenFaaS comes with Basic Authentication. You’ll fetch the admin password you can use to access the system with Basic Auth next.

Grab the generated admin password and login with faas-cli:

PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin

OpenFaaS Gateway Ingress

OpenFaaS will have deployed with two Gateway services in the openfaas namespace.

  • gateway (ClusterIP)
  • gateway-external (NodePort)

Instead of relying on the NodePort service, I chose to create an Ingress Rule to send traffic from my cluster’s Ingress Controller to OpenFaaS’ ClusterIP service (gateway).

You’ll want SSL so setup a K8s secret to hold your certificate details for the hostname you choose for your Ingress Rule. Here is a template you can use for your OpenFaaS ingress:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
  name: openfaas
  - host: openfaas.foo.bar
      - backend:
          serviceName: gateway
          servicePort: 8080
        path: /
  - hosts:
    - openfaas.foo.bar
    secretName: openfaas.foo.bar

Create your TLS K8s secret in the openfaas namespace, and then deploy the ingress rule with:

kubectl -n openfaas apply -f ./the_above_ingress_rule.yml

You should now be able to access the OpenFaaS UI with something like https://openfaas.foo.bar/ui/

The OpenFaas Web UI

Creating your own Functions

Life is far more fun on the CLI, so get started with some basics with first:

  • faas-cli store list --platform armhf – show some basic functions available for armhf (Pi)
  • faas-cli store deploy figlet --platform armhf – deploy the figlet function that converts text to ASCII representations of that text
  • echo "hai" | faas-cli invoke figlet – pipe the text ‘hai’ into the faas-cli invoke command to invoke the figlet function and get it to generate the equivalent in ASCII text.

Now, create your own function using one of the many templates available. You’ll be using the incubator template for python3 HTTP. This includes a newer function watchdog (more about that below), which gives more control over the HTTP / event lifecycle in your functions.

Grab the python3 HTTP template for armhf and create a new function with it:

# Grab incubator templates for Python, including Python HTTP. Will figure out it needs the armhf ones based on your architecture!

faas template pull https://github.com/openfaas-incubator/python-flask-template
faas-cli new --lang python3-http-armhf your-function-name-here
Success – a new, python3 HTTP function ready to go

A basic file structure gets scaffolded out. It contains a YAML file with configuration about your function. E.g.

version: 1.0
  name: openfaas
    lang: python3-http-armhf
    handler: ./your-function-name-here
    image: your-function-name-here:latest

The YAML informs building and deploying of your function.

A folder with your function handler code is also created alongside the YAML. For python it contains handler.py and requirements.txt (for python library requirements)

def handle(event, context):
    # TODO implement
    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": "Hello from OpenFaaS!"

As you used the newer function templates with the latest OF Watchdog, you get full access to the event and context in your handler without any extra work. Nice!

Build and Deploy your Custom Function

Run the faas up command to build and publish your function. This will do a docker build / tag / push to a registry of your choice and then deploy the function to OpenFaaS. Update your your-function-name-here.yml file to specify your desired docker registry/repo/tag, and OpenFaas gateway address first though.

faas up -f your-function-name-here.yml

Now you’re good to go. Execute your function by doing a GET request to the function URL, using faas invoke, or by using the OpenFaaS UI!

Creating your own OpenFaaS Docker images

You can convert most Docker images to run on OpenFaaS by adding the function watchdog to your image. This is a very small HTTP server written in Golang.

It becomes the entrypoint which forwards HTTP requests to your target process via STDIN or HTTP. The response goes back to the requester by STDOUT or HTTP.

Read and find out more at these URLs:

Hopefully this gave you a good base to get started with OpenFaaS. We covered everything from deployment and configuration, to creating your own custom functions and images. Have fun experimenting!

Building a Pi Kubernetes Cluster – Part 3 – Worker Nodes and MetalLB

Building a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster - part 3 - worker nodes featured image

This is the third post in this series and the focus will be on completing the Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster by adding a worker node. You’ll also setup a software based load-balancer implementation designed for bare metal Kubernetes Clusters by leveraging MetalLB.

Here are some handy links to other parts in this blog post series:

By now you should have 1 x Pi running as the dedicated Pi network router, DHCP, DNS and jumpbox, as well as 1 x Pi running as the cluster Master Node.

Of course it’s always best to have more than 1 x Master node, but as this is just an experimental/fun setup, one is just fine. The same applies to the Worker nodes, although in my case I added two workers with each Pi 4 having 4GB RAM.

Joining a Worker Node to the Cluster

Start off by completing the setup steps as per the Common Setup section in Part 2 with your new Pi.

Once your new Worker Pi is ready and on the network with it’s own static DHCP lease, join it to the cluster (currently only the Master Node) by using the kubeadm join command you noted down when you first initialised your cluster in Part 2.


sudo kubeadm join --token kjx8lp.wfr7n4ie33r7dqx2 \
     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:25a997a1b37fb34ed70ff4889ced6b91aefbee6fb18e1a32f8b4c8240db01ec3

After a few moments, SSH back to your master node and run kubectl get nodes. You should see the new worker node added and after it pulls down and starts the weave net CNI image it’s status will change to Ready.

kubernetes worker node added to cluster

Setting up MetalLB

The problem with a ‘bare metal’ Kubernetes cluster (or any self-installed, manually configured k8s cluster for that matter) is that it doesn’t have any load-balancer implementation to handle LoadBalancer service types.

When you run Kubernetes on top of a cloud hosting platform like AWS or Azure, they are backed natively by load-balancer implementations that work seamlessly with those cloud platform’s load-balancer services. E.g. classic application or elastic load balancers with AWS.

However, with a Raspberry Pi cluster, you don’t have anything fancy like that to provide LoadBalancer services for your applications you run.

MetalLB provides a software based implementation that can work on a Pi cluster.

Install version 0.8.3 of MetalLB by applying the following manifest with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Shogan/d418190a950a1d6788f9b168216f6fe1/raw/ca4418c7167a64c77511ba44b2c7736b56bdad48/metallb.yaml

Make sure the MetalLB pods are now up and running in the metallb-system namespace that was created.

metallb pods running

Now you will create a ConfigMap that will contain the settings your MetalLB setup will use for the cluster load-balancer services.

Create a file called metallb-config.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: config
  config: |
    - name: default
      protocol: layer2

Update the addresses section to use whichever range of IP addresses you would like to assign for use with MetalLB. Note, I only used 10 addresses as below for mine.

Apply the configuration:

kubectl apply -f ./metallb-config.yaml

Setup Helm in the Pi Cluster

First of all you’ll need an ARM compatible version of Helm. Download it and move it to a directory that is in your system PATH. I’m using my Kubernetes master node as a convenient location to use kubectl and helm commands from, so I did this on my master node.

Install Helm Client

export HELM_VERSION=v2.9.1
wget https://kubernetes-helm.storage.googleapis.com/helm-$HELM_VERSION-linux-arm.tar.gz
tar xvzf helm-$HELM_VERSION-linux-arm.tar.gz
sudo mv linux-arm/helm /usr/bin/helm

Install Helm Tiller in the Cluster

Use the following command to initialise the tiller component in your Pi cluster.

helm init --tiller-image=jessestuart/tiller --service-account tiller --override spec.selector.matchLabels.'name'='tiller',spec.selector.matchLabels.'app'='helm' --output yaml | sed 's@apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1@apiVersion: apps/v1@' | kubectl apply -f -

Note: it uses a custom image from jessestuart/tiller (as this is ARM compatible). The command also replaces the older api spec for the deployment with the apps/v1 version, as the older beta one is no longer applicable with Kubernetes 1.16.

Deploy an Ingress Controller with Helm

Now that you have something to fulfill LoadBalancer service types (MetalLB), and you have Helm configured, you can deploy an NGINX Ingress Controller with a LoadBalancer service type for your Pi cluster.

helm install --name nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true --set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer

If you list out your new ingress controller pods though you might find a problem with them running. They’ll likely be trying to use x86 architecture images instead of ARM. I manually patched my NGINX Ingress Controller deployment to point it at an ARM compatible docker image.

kubectl set image deployment/nginx-ingress-controller     nginx-ingress-controller=quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller-arm:0.26.1

After a few moments the new pods should now show as running:

new nginx ingress pods running with ARM image

Now to test everything, you can grab the external IP that should have been assigned to your NGINX ingress controller LoadBalancer service and test the default NGINX backend HTTP endpoint that returns a simple 404 message.

List the service and get the EXTERNAL-IP (this should sit in the range you configured MetalLB with):

kubectl get service --selector=app=nginx-ingress

Curl the NGINX Ingress Controller LoadBalancer service endpoint with a simple GET request:

curl -i

You’ll see the default 404 not found response which indicates that the controller did indeed receive your request from the LoadBalancer service and directed it appropriately down to the default backend pod.

the nginx default backend 404 response


At this point you’ve configured:

  • A Raspberry Pi Kubernetes network Router / DHCP / DNS server / jumpbox
  • Kubernetes master node running the master components for the cluster
  • Kubernetes worker nodes
  • MetalLB load-balancer implementation for your cluster
  • Helm client and Tiller agent for ARM in your cluster
  • NGINX ingress controller

In part 1, recall you setup some iptables rules on the Router Pi as an optional step?

These PREROUTING AND POSTROUTING rules were to forward packets destined for the Router Pi’s external IP address to be forwarded to a specific IP address in the Kubernetes network. In actual fact, the example I provided was what I used to forward traffic from the Pi router all the way to my NGINX Ingress Controller load balancer service.

Revisit this section if you’d like to achieve something similar (access services inside your cluster from outside the network), and replace the IP address in the example I provided with the IP address of your own ingress controller service backed by MetalLB in your cluster.

Also remember that at this point you can add as many worker nodes to the cluster as you like using the kubeadm join command used earlier.

Building a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster – Part 2 – Master Node

Building a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster - part 2 - master node title featured image

The Kubernetes Master node is one that runs what are known as the master processes: The kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler.

In this post we’ll go through some common setup that all nodes (masters and workers) in your cluster should get, and then on top of that, the specific setup that will finally configure a single node in the cluster to be the master.

If you would like to jump to the other partes in this series, here are the links:

By now you should have some sort of stack or collection of Raspberry Pis going. As mentioned in the previous post, I used a Raspberry Pi 3 for my router/dhcp server for the Kubernetes Pi Cluster network, and Raspberry Pi 4’s with 4GB RAM each for the master and worker nodes. Here is how my stack looks now:

picture of raspberry pi devices in stack, forming the kubernetes cluster
The stack of Rasperry Pi’s in my cluster. Router Pi at the bottom, master and future worker nodes above. They’re sitting on top of the USB power hub and 8 port gigabit network switch

Common Setup

This setup will be used for both masters and workers in the cluster.

Start by writing the official Raspbian Buster Lite image to your microSD card. (I used the 26th September 2019 version), though as you’ll see next I also updated the Pi’s firmware and OS using the rpi-update command.

After attaching your Pi (master) to the network switch, it should pick up an IP address from the DHCP server you setup in part 1.

SSH into the Pi and complete the basic setup such as setting a hostname and ensuring it gets a static IP address lease from DHCP by editing your dnsmasq configuration (as per part 1).

Note: As the new Pi is running on a different network behind your Pi Router, you can either SSH into your Pi Router (like a bastion host or jump box) and then SSH into the new Master Pi node from there.

Now update it:

sudo rpi-update

After the update completes, reboot the Pi.

sudo reboot now

SSH back into the Pi, then download and install Docker. I used version 19.03 here, though at the moment it is not ‘officially’ supported.

export VERSION=19.03
curl -sSL get.docker.com | sh && sudo usermod pi -aG docker && newgrp docker

Kubernetes nodes should have swap disabled, so do that next. Additionally, you’ll enable control groups (cgroups) for resource isolation.

sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall
sudo update-rc.d dphys-swapfile remove
sudo systemctl disable dphys-swapfile.service

sudo sed -i -e 's/$/ cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory/' /boot/cmdline.txt

Installing kubeadm and other Kubernetes components

Next you’ll install the kubeadm tool (helps us create our cluster quickly), as well as a bunch of other components required, such as the kubelet (the main node agent that registers nodes with the API server among other things), kubectl and the kubernetes cni (to provision container networking).

Next up, install the legacy iptables package and setup networking so that it traverses future iptables rules.

Note: when I built my cluster initially I discovered problems with iptables later on, where the kube-proxy and kubelet services had trouble populating all their required iptables rules using the pre-installed version of iptables. Switching to legacy iptables fixed this.

The error I ran into (hopefully those searching it will come across this post too) was:

proxier.go:1423] Failed to execute iptables-restore: exit status 2 (iptables-restore v1.6.0: Couldn't load target `KUBE-MARK-DROP':No such file or directory

Setup iptables and change it to the legacy version:

sudo sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1
sudo update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy

Lastly to finish off the common (master or worker) node setup, reboot.

sudo reboot now

Master Node Setup

Now you can configure this Pi as a master Kubernetes node. SSH back in after the reboot and pull down the various node component docker images, then initialise it.

Important: Make sure you change the IP address in the below code snippet to match whatever IP address you reserved for this master node in your dnsmasq leases configuration. This is the IP address that the master API server will advertise out with.

Note: In my setup I am using as the pod CIDR (overlay network). This is specifically to keep it separate from my internal Pi network of

sudo kubeadm config images pull -v3
sudo kubeadm init --token-ttl=0 --apiserver-advertise-address= --pod-network-cidr=

# capture text and run as normal user. e.g.:
# mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
# sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
# sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Once the kubeadm commands complete, the init command will output a bunch of commands to run. Copy and enter them afterwards to setup the kubectl configuration under $HOME/.kube/config.

You’ll also see a kubeadm join command/token. Take note of that and keep it safe. You’ll use this to join other workers to the cluster later on.

kubeadm join --token yi4hzn.glushkg39orzx0fk \
    --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:xyz0721e03e1585f86e46e477de0bdf32f59e0a6083f0e16871ababc123

Installing the CNI (Weave)

You’ll setup Weave Net next. At a high level, Weave Net creates a virtual container network that connects your containers that are scheduled across (potentially) many different hosts and enables their automatic discovery across these hosts too.

Kubernetes has a pluggable architecture for container networking, and Weave Net is one implementation of this.

Note: the command below assumes you’re using an overlay/container network of Change this if you’re not using this range.

On your Pi master node:

curl --location -o ./weave-cni.yaml "https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')&env.IPALLOC_RANGE="
kubectl apply -f ./weave-cni.yaml

After a few moments waiting for your node to pull down the weave net container images, check that the weave container(s) are running and that the master node is showing as ready. Here is how that should look…

kubectl -n kube-system get pods
kubectl get nodes
pi@korben:~ $ kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep weave
weave-net-cfxhr                  2/2     Running   20         10d
weave-net-chlgh                  2/2     Running   17         23d
weave-net-rxlg8                  2/2     Running   13         23d

pi@korben:~ $ kubectl get nodes
korben   Ready    master   23d   v1.16.2

That is pretty much it for the master node setup. You now have a single master node running the Kubernetes master components / API server, and have even used to successfully provision and configure container networking.

As a result of deploying Weave Net, you now have a DaemonSet that will ensure that any new node that joins the cluster will automatically get the Weave Net CNI. All other nodes in the cluster will automatically update to ‘know’ about the new node and subsequently containers in the cluster will be able to talk to each other over the overlay network.